
Human IFN Beta 1a, Mammalian, Carrier-Free
品牌:PBL Assay Science
规格:1 x 10? units
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Product Features: 
  • Human IFN Beta 1a, mammalian, recombinant protein expressed in CHO cells
  • Supplied without a carrier protein and as a liquid to maintain higher specific activity
  • Used for MS research studies

Formulation Supplied as a liquid without a carrier protein
Molecular Weight ~ 23 kDa
Source cDNA obtained from human fibroblast interferon beta 1a mRNA expressed in CHO cells
Purity > 95% by SDS-PAGE stained by Coomassie Blue
Endotoxin level < 1 EU/μg
Bioactivity Measured using a cytopathic inhibition ***** on human lung carcinoma cell line A549 with encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV). EC50 for IFN beta 1a in this ***** is ~1 U/ml
Storage For retention of full activity store at 2-8°C. Further dilution of this product for long term storage is not recommended.
Synonyms Human IFNB, Human Beta Interferon, Human IFN Beta 1a, Human Interferon beta 1a, Human Type I Interferon Beta, Human IFN B

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