
Anti-Mouse IFN Beta Antibody, Clone RMMB-1 (MAb)
品牌:PBL Assay Science
规格:250 μg
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Product Features: 
  • Rat monoclonal antibody against Mouse IFN Beta
  • Suitable for use in Direct Binding ELISAs
  • Unconjugated
  • Binds to mouse interferon beta (weakly neutralizes)

Formulation Supplied frozen in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) containing 0.1% Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA)
Antigen Mouse interferon beta
Isotype IgG2ak
Host Species Rat
Purity > 95% by SDS-PAGE stained by Coomassie Blue
Endotoxin level < 1 EU/μg
Bioactivity Measured by neutralization of interferon in cytopathic effect inhibition *****
Specificity Weakly neutralizes mouse IFN-beta, but not recommended for neutralization *****s (for this application products 32400-1 or 32401-1 are recommended) ; binds to mouse IFN-beta
Storage For retention of full activity store at -20°C or below and avoid repeated freeze/thaw cycles
Antigen Synonyms Mouse IFN Beta, Mouse Beta Interferon, Mouse IFNB, Mouse Type I IFN beta, Mouse Fibroblast IFN, Mouse Fibroblast Interferon, Mouse Beta IFN, Mouse Type I Interferon Beta
Clone RMMB-1

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