
Human IFN Beta ELISA Kit, High Sensitivity (Serum, Plasma, TCM)
品牌:PBL Assay Science
规格:1 x 96-well plate
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Product Features: 
  • IFN-beta ELISA is designed to measure human interferon beta in serum, plasma, and tissue culture media with 1.2 pg/ml LLOQ sensitivity
  • Suitable for measurement of IFN-beta in autoimmune serum (link)
  • Suitable for measurement of trademarked interferon beta 1a and interferon beta 1b therapeutic molecules in human serum (link)
  • ELISA ***** provides > 90% serum spike-recovery
  • Reproducible results with inter-***** CV < 8% and intra-***** CV < 10%
  • No inhibition of IFN beta detection by 3-log excess of soluble IFNAR2 protein

Product Name: VeriKine-HS Human Interferon Beta Serum ELISA Kit (LOQ 1.2 pg/ml)

Compatibility: Serum, Plasma, Tissue Culture Media
ELISA Assay Range: 1.2 - 150 pg/ml
Speed: Incubation time, 3 hours, 30 minutes
Specificity: Human Interferon Beta 1a, Human Interferon Beta 1b (No cross-reactivity against human IFN-alpha, IFN-gamma, IFN-omega, IL-6; mouse IFN-alpha, IFN-beta; or rat IFN-beta.)
Synonyms: Human Beta Interferon, Human Fibroblast IFN, Human IFN Beta, Human Fibroblast Interferon, Human Beta IFN, Human Type I Interferon Beta, Human IFN B

Inter-Assay CV: < 8%
Intra-Assay CV: < 10%
Spike Recovery: > 90% in Serum

Storage: 2-8°C
Expiration Date: One year from date of manufacture
Shipping Condition: Wet Ice

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