
Human IL-22 ELISA, High Sensitivity (Serum, Plasma, TCM)
品牌:PBL Assay Science
规格:1 x 96-well plate
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Product Features: 
  • Human IL-22 ELISA designed for accurate quantitation of endogenous human interleukin 22 in healthy & diseased serum/plasma, and tissue culture media samples
  • Assay LLOQ = 0.78 pg/ml
  • Measures unbound (free) IL-22. IL-22 Binding Protein (IL-22BP) may interfere with the ***** if present at high concentration
  • Highly reproducible results in all tested matrices with inter- and intra-CVs < 10%


Full product name: VeriKine-HS Human Interleukin 22 ELISA Kit

Compatibility: Serum, Plasma, Tissue Culture Media
ELISA Assay Range: 0.78 - 50 pg/ml
Assay Length: 4 hours
Specificity: Human Interleukin 22
Cross-reacts with Monkey IL-22 (< 0.03%).
No cross-reactivity detected with human IL-10, IL-17, IL-19, IL-20, IL-24, IL-26/AK155, IFN-β1a, IFN-γ, IFN-ω; cynomolgus IFN-α2; cynomolgus/rhesus IFN-α; mouse IL-22, IFN-αA, IFN-β, IFN-γ; rat IL-22, IFN-α1, IFN-α14, IFN-β, IFN-γ; bovine IFN-Tau2 or pig IFN-α.

Inter-Assay CV: < 10%
Intra-Assay CV: < 10%
Spike recovery: > 96%

Storage: 2-8 °C
Expiration Date: one year from date of manufacture
Shipping Condition: Wet Ice

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