
DIY Human IFN Lambda 2/3 (IL-28A/B) ELISA (TCM)
品牌:PBL Assay Science
规格:Materials for 15 x 96 wells
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Product Features: 
  • The standard in this kit is IFN Lambda 2 (IL-28A)
  • This kit detects both Lambda 2 and 3 and is three-fold more reactive to Lambda 2 than Lambda 3

Full Product Name: DIY Human Interferon Lambda 2/3 (IL-28A/B) ELISA

Compatibility: Tissue Culture Media
Assay Range: 125 - 8000 pg/ml
Speed: Incubation time, 4 hours, 45 minutes
Specificity: Human Interferon Lambda 3 (IL-28B) and Human Interferon Lambda 2 (IL-28A) 
No cross-reactivity against Human Interferon Lambda 1 and Mouse Interferon Lambda 3.
Storage: 2-8°C for short term storage; -20°C/-70°C for long term storage
Expiration Date: 6 months from date of manufacture
Shipping Condition: Wet Ice

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