
品牌:Verichem Laboratories
规格:6 x 5mL
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  • ● Protein-based, liquid, ready-to-use
  • ● Intended for calibration verification of serum kinetic *****s
  • ● Known linear relation stated for all wet chemistry analyzers
  • ● Stable 18 months from date of manufacture
  • ● Specifically designed for extended range systems
  • ● Assay values included for Beckman AU, Abbott Architect and Roche Cobas chemistry systems
  • ● Normal range point for all enzymes

  • Analyte Units* Level A Level B Level C Level D Level E Level F
    Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST/GOT) U/L, 37°C 4 23 191 377 563 750
    Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT/GPT) U/L, 37°C 3 15 127 252 376 500
    Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP/AP) U/L, 37°C 8 45 381 755 1127 1500
    Lactate Dehydrogenase (LD/LDH) U/L, 37°C 6 36 305 604 901 1200
    Creatine Phosphokinase (CK/CPK) U/L, 37°C 10 60 508 1006 1502 2000
    Gamma Glutamyltransferase (GGT/GGPT) U/L, 37°C 6 36 305 604 901 1200
    Alpha-Amylase (AMS/AMY) U/L, 37°C 10 60 508 1006 1502 2000
    Lipase (LP/LIP) U/L, 37°C 18 32 164 309 455 600
    Cholinesterase (CHE) KU/L, 37°C 0.1 0.5 3.8 7.5 11.3 15.0
噪音计TYPE308| Q647Y球阀厂| 数字式基坑测斜仪| VOCs深冷冷凝回收| 磁力反应釜| 塑料防水接线盒| 气力输送设备| 顶空测氧仪| 上自仪三厂| nalgene放水口大瓶| 宁夏电力工程| 超声电动显微分析系统| 气动隔膜阀| 混凝土制管设备| 高压消杀设备| 温度巡检仪| 非金属膨胀节| 高速离心机| 蒸汽平板硫化机| 直行程电子式执行器| 二手ICT| 焊接减速机箱体| 无线二氧化碳探测器| 二次供水水质多参数| 伞型钻机| 多克隆抗体| 果酒过滤设备| 200L双层玻璃反应釜| 电泳转移缓冲液| k4| 免疫球蛋白G4Elisa试剂盒| 药品稳定性试验箱| 价格| SF52露点变送器型号| 高速数控转塔冲床| 双色石英管液位计| 日本齐藤光学数码显微| 玻璃钢化炉| 防爆型风速传感器| 碳纤维乐器盒| 接触角测试仪|