
MicroVue Osteocalcin EIA
规格:96 Test
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For Research Use Only in the United States. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

The MicroVue Osteocalcin immuno***** measures intact (de novo) osteocalcin in serum. Intact osteocalcin may be useful as a biochemical indicator of bone turnover.

Osteocalcin (OC) or BGP (bone gla protein) is found exclusively in bone tissue. It is a 5800 molecular weight extrahepatic vitamin K dependent protein produced by osteoblasts. It contains three gamma-carboxyglutamic acid residues which are thought to be involved in calcium ion and hydroxyapatite binding. It accounts for 10%-20% of the noncollagenous protein in bone. While the in vivo function of osteocalcin is unknown, its affinity for bone mineral constituents implies a role in bone formation.

A Highly Specific Assay for Intact OC

  • Does not detect carboxy- or aminoterminal peptides
  • Requires tertiary structure for antibody recognition
  • Detects intact OC, not OC fragments released during osteoclastic resorption

Performance Characteristics

Method: Competitive
Analyte: Intact osteocalcin
Specimen: Serum
Specimen Volume: 25 μL
LOD*: 0.45 ng/L
LLOQ*: 2 ng/mL
HLOQ*: 32 ng/L
Precision CVs within-run: 5%-10%
Precision CVs between-run: 5%-10%
Incubation Time: 3.6 Hours
Cross-reactivity: Intact OC 100% Reduced OC 0% N-, C- peptides 0%

*LOD = Limit of Detection, LLOQ = Lower Limit of Quantification, HLOQ = Higher Limit of Quantification

About the Assay


96-well microplate with reagents sufficient to test 40 samples in duplicate

Species Reactivity

Rabbit, Pig, Sheep, Goat, Cow, Horse, Cynomolgus Monkey, Human Cell Culture, Guinea Pig
No recognition of Rat, Mouse, or Dog

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