
MicroVue TRAP5b EIA
规格:96 Test
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For Research Use Only in the United States. Not for Use in Diagnostic Procedures

The MicroVue TRAP5b Assay is an immunocapture enzyme ***** for the determination of tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase isoform 5b (TRAcP 5b) in human serum and plasma.

TRAP5b (serum band 5 tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase, TRAcP 5b; EC is a 35-37 kDa glycoprotein. TRAP5b is typically expressed in proportion to osteoclast activity and is secreted into circulation. As a result, serum TRAP5b is considered a potentially useful marker for bone resorption. The MicroVue TRAP5b EIA detects the enzyme activity of bound TRAP5b in experimental samples.

About the Assay


96 well ***** plate

Species Reactivity

Reactive with human derived TRAP5b only.
No reactivity detected with Cow, Chicken, Goat, Mouse, Rabbit, Rat, Sheep, Guinea Pig, Baboon, Cynomolgus Monkey, Rhesus Macaque

Assay Steps

Add 100 μL of Sample Diluent
Add 50 μL of Calibrator, Controls and Specimens
Seal the microplate
Incubate for 60 minutes at room temperature on a microplate shaker
Wash the microplate wells three times with Wash Buffer
Add 100 μL of Substrate Solution
Seal the microplate
Incubate for 60 minutes at 37°C
Add 50 μL of Stop Solution
Read OD at 405 nm
Data Reduction Quadratic

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