
Rat Intact PTH ELISA
规格:96 tests
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For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures

Rat intact parathyroid hormone (PTH) is an 84 amino acid polypeptide produced by the parathyroid gland with its biological activity residing in the N-terminal region of the peptide. PTH plays an important role in maintaining the concentration of ionized calcium within the limits needed to achieve normal metabolic functions. When serum calcium levels are decreased the parathyroid gland increases secretion of the hormone which results in increased mobilization of calcium from skeletal reserves into the circulation. When levels of serum calcium are increased the secretion of PTH is reduced.

The similarities between rat and human physiology relative to calcium metabolism make the rat an excellent live-animal model for studying skeletal disease and in the pre-clinical evaluation of pharmacologic agents that may alter bone remodeling. Quantitation of the biologically active rat intact PTH with this kit can provide a precise and sensitive assessment of changes in bone and mineral metabolism.

The Rat Intact PTH ELISA Kit is a two-site enzyme-linked immunosorbent ***** (ELISA) for the measurement of PTH in rat serum, plasma or cell culture media. Two different goat polyclonal antibodies to rat intact PTH have been purified by affinity chromatography. The antibody which recognizes epitopes within the midregion/C-terminal portion (39-84) of the peptide is biotinylated for capture. The other antibody which recognizes epitopes within the N-terminal region (1-34) is conjugated with the enzyme horseradish peroxidase (HRP) for detection.

Product Specifications




96 wells/plate

Sample type

Rat serum


1.6 pg/mL

Incubation time

< 4 hours

Ordering Information

Catalog Number Description Kit Size / Case Size

Rat Intact PTH

96 tests

Rat PTH Sample Diluent

10 mL
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