
MicroVue Pan-Specific C3 Reagent Kit
规格:40 Tests
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For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

The MicroVue Pan-Specific C3 Reagent Kit represents a novel approach to fill the gap of animal-specific Complement ELISAs.  This testing method expands the arsenal of Complement analysis in animals; enabling preclinical immune toxicology testing of C-mediated (pseudoallergic) adverse drug effects.  The test allows quantitative measurement of C3 in animal blood, plasma or serum.  The C3 Complement Matrix and the C3 Converter Reagent, convert the activity of C3 in the animal specimen to human SC5b-9 that is detectable with the MicroVue SC5b-9 Plus EIA Kit.

Product Specifications


Set of Reagents

Assay time

> 2 hours



Sample type

Serum; 10-15 IU/mL heparin plasma; 50 μg/mL hirudin plasma

Ordering Information

Catalog Number Description

Reagent Kit

面膜泡罩包装机| 光纤测温| 华铝铝型材| 山东气相色谱仪| 无菌均质袋| 低温装配箱| 水压力传感器| 橡胶挤出机螺杆机筒| RDE测试| 广东电缆厂家| 尚测试验设备| 全自动凯氏定氮仪| EPDM法兰垫| 上海河圣安全| BA楼宇设备中央空调PLC智能节能自动控制系统方案解决者| 中国机械通用零部件工业协会| 低温恒温循环器| 专注大屏幕投影显示设备品牌整合与传播| 多歧管冻干机| 沥青混合料试件切割机| 密封性测试仪| 直通高压球阀| 排队栏杆座| 石油产品灰分试验器| 纸盒贴标机| 蔬菜漂烫杀青机| 电脑自动端子机| 茶毛虫| 微机继电保护校验仪| 桃型柱护栏网| 小型气流分级机| 溜槽堵塞检测器| 荣上防爆| 救护车洗消中心设备| AO一体化污水处理设备| 锯骨机| 消防高温排烟混流风机| 漏水检测仪| 美国双杰天平| LARRY烧烤炉| 光伏组件环境模拟试验箱厂家|