
C1q Protein
规格:1.0 mL
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C1q Protein

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Purified human complement component C1q. Circulating C1q protein is a hexamer of three unique protein subunits (A, B, and C) with molecular weights of 29, 26 and 22 kD respectively. The assembled hexamer contains a central core or stalk, 6 collagen-like domains and 6 globular protein heads. These globular or terminal regions are responsible for the binding of immunoglobulins (IgM, and IgG). As part of the C1 complex (together with two copies each of C1r and C1s) C1q is central to activation of the classical complement pathway.

All Quidel complement components are tested for functional activity in a standard lytic or applicable functional ***** and for biochemical purity by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Please refer to the Certificate of Analysis for lot specific information on functional titer.

Quidel's purified human complement components are useful in a wide variety of immunochemical and research applications. For assistance with a specific protocol, please contact Quidel Technical Support.

Product Specifications


1.0 mg/mL


1.0 mL/vial


At or below –70°C


> 95%


HEPES, plus 40% glycerol

Ordering Information

Catalog Number Kit Size / Case Size
1.0 mL/vial
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