
C5 Protein
规格:250 μL
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C5 Protein

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Purified human complement component C5. Complement component C5 is unique to the terminal complement pathway. 190 kD C5 protein is comprised of two chains (α 115 kD; ? 75 kD) and is present in plasma at 70 mg/L. Activation of either complement pathway can generate a C5 convertase enzyme capable of cleaving C5 to C5a (a potent anaphylatoxin) and C5b. Together with the other proteins of the terminal pathway, C5b forms the membrane attack complex or MAC.

All Quidel complement components are tested for functional activity in a standard lytic or applicable functional ***** and for biochemical purity by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Please refer to the Certificate of Analysis for lot specific information on functional titer.

Quidel's purified human complement components are useful in a wide variety of immunochemical and research applications. For assistance with a specific protocol, please contact Quidel Technical Support.

Product Specifications


1.0 mg/mL


250 μL/vial


At or below –70°C


> 90%



Ordering Information

Catalog Number Kit Size / Case Size
250 μL/vial
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