
规格:100 μL
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Human Complement Reagents: Proteins

For Research Use Only.

Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Each complement protein has been tested for functional purity in standard hemolytic *****s and for biochemical purity by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The concentration of each complement protein, except for Factor D and C3a, is approximately 1.0 mg/mL.

Catalog Number Vol./Vial Description
A400 1.0 mL C1q
A401 250 μL C3
A402 250 μL C4
A403 250 μL C5
A404 250 μL C6
A405 250 μL C7
A406 250 μL C8
A407 250 μL C9
A408 250 μL Factor B
A409 250 μL Factor D
A410 250 μL Factor H
A411 250 μL Factor I
A412 250 μL Factor P
A413 50 μL C3b
A414 100 μL C3a
A415 100 μL SC5b-9
A417 250 μL C3c
A418 100 μL C3d
A419 500 μL C4a
A420 500 μL C5a
A422 100 μL Factor Ba
A423 250 μL iC3b
A424 250 μL C1r
A425 250 μL C1s
A426 1.0 mL C1 Esterase Inhibitor
A427 100 μL C2
A428 250 μL C4b

In phosphate buffered saline containing 40% glycerol.
The protein concentration for Factor D is 0.1 mg/mL.

汽油辛烷值测定机| 沃尔沃柴油发电机| 卫生级球阀| 多联水喷射真空机组| 三相持续大电流发生器| biozol蛋白酶| 端子| 橡胶密封件| 定向凝固提纯| 西安含油污泥处理装置| 锡箔杯SANTIS| 能耗云平台| 冻干生产设备厂家| 思美音频处理器| 淄博滨州青岛阿里巴巴诚信通渠道商| 细胞单轴应力加载| 分子蒸馏设备| 斑马鱼ELISA试剂盒| 带电氧化锌避雷器测试仪| 绵羊白介素1β检测试剂盒| 油加热器生产厂家| 喷砂机厂家| 玻璃化转变温度测试仪| 疏水阀倒吊桶| 多功能网络仪表| 定制液氮罐| 多功能抑尘车| 桦特调功器| CJT液压油缸| 艾礼富红外探测器| 大功率多头数显恒温搅拌器| 总氮在线监测仪| 水泥涵管设备模具| 数控内腔成型磨床| BPS系列恒温恒湿箱| 高压铸铝配电箱| 市政路灯| 数控锁码面板| Dumont镊子| 无纺布| 智能收缩膨胀测定仪|