
C5a Protein
规格:0.06 mL
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C5a Protein

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

C5a, or C5 anaphylatoxin, is a mediator of local inflammatory process. It induces a variety of responses including intracellular calcium release, contraction of smooth muscle, increased vascular permeability, and histamine release from mast cells and basophilic leukocytes. C5a, along with C5b, is a cleavage product of complement protein C5.

All Quidel complement components are tested for functional activity in a standard lytic or applicable functional ***** and for biochemical purity by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Please refer to the Certificate of Analysis for lot specific information on functional titer.

Quidel's purified human complement components are useful in a wide variety of immunochemical and research applications. For assistance with a specific protocol, please contact Quidel Technical Support.

Product Specifications


0.5 mg/mL


0.06 mL


At or below –70°C


> 90%


10 mM HEPES, 120 mM NaCl

Ordering Information

Catalog Number Kit Size / Case Size
0.06 mL
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